A Letter from the Father - Come to the Water
Come to the water. Come! May I lead you among still streams? May I plant you along brooks of life? There is a foundation that is being made around you. You are firmly planted. You cannot be moved. You will flourish inside of my love. Burnt offerings were once given as a sacrifice, but truly I tell you, my Son was your sacrifice from sin and death, He is the full renewal in you. I am the Living Water. Those who come to me with thirst that the world cannot contain, I shall pour upon them ALL that I AM. This stream of water is not still, but rushing always. For those who come to Me shall never thirst again. Instead, they shall always be satisfied in Me and my teachings. As a raging river flows, so does my love flow for you…never finding the beginning, and never seeing the end. I shower abundance in it’s fullest to you my child, for you have found great and honorable favor in my eyes!
Imagine a well, sought out by many, but when coming to this well, you realize it has gone dry. How would you react? Now, how would you react if All that I had promised, was gone? You would have the same feelings in the same circumstances, my child. You would expect water in a well, just as you would expect faithfulness in me. Yet, my Spirit testifies to my Word! You have been looking to the wells of life to quench your thirst, forgetting that out of your belly flows the living water! The water you have been seeking has been rushing through you the whole time!
You are washed by the Water of my Word.
I am cleasing you.
I have seen your affliction.
I have seen where you have been.
And so my healing waters flow.
Realize this; feeling disappointed, confused, and full of doubt is of a sinful nature. This is your old man to whom I have ordered you to throw off! You are no longer associated with your old self! I have commanded you to never be unequally yoked with unbelievers, is this correct? Then why do you insist on yoking yourself to your old behiavior and thinking? Why do you partake in an unequally yoked relationship with your old man...your old self? Ah, be free, dear one! The walls you have built up are crashing down around you! The walls you have built up, I am walking through them all! Strip off your old thinking - start living in your renewed mind! Let the scales fall from your eyes! You're free in me, you are free indeed!
My Living Word is true, and I am the one whom sees all things not only in your time, but outside of time. Throw your alabaster box on the floor at my feet, and enter into a time of worship and prayer. Oh my love for you runs wide and delivers deep! This is only the beginning of your journey! Man will try, but none will be able to defeat you. For I hold ALL authority over ALL things.
My presence is what you seek, therefore my presence is what you shall receive. I would never hold myself back from you, just allow me to enter into your pure heart and you shall experience joy like never before! You will cry tears of joy as you receive the revelation of my infinite love toward you! I cannot love you less than yesterday and I will not love you more tomorrow. You cannot be anymore loved than you are right now! For my love is perfect, my love is complete. Receive it, just lay down your thoughts and receive My love in My Son’s precious Name.
Your Heavenly Father, Almighty God
Amy Basel