A Letter from Jesus - All Things New
You are not revised.
You are not reproduced.
You hold nothing of the old.
Instead, you are new.
No longer alone in this world, no longer waiting.
I am now here, and we are forever together.
In this relationship that we have built, there are no longer singular notations.
Where there once was “I”, “me”, and “mine”, now resides “us”, “we”, and “ours”.
You see, when I called you into this intimate relationship with me, I called you as a broken person who would soon be made whole.
Your thoughts of being unworthy were of your old nature.
You used to love me as if I would leave.
Do you remember this, dear one?
You loved me in fear and you loved me out of fear.
Trust needed to be built, and this foundation is now strong.
Your unbelief was once a hinderance, and now it is your stepping stone.
You're being elevated to new places. You're paving a new way.
You have reached a direct point of beauty that far surpasses the outward appearance so easily praised by man. Your beauty adorns that of a precious jewel covered until the day to be worn.
I have hidden you, dear one.
I have put you away from the eyes of despise and I have prepared you for greater things behind the scenes. No one could have imagined just how much you are to be treasured. I am the Only One fit to mold you and love you exactly the way that you have needed and longed for. I saw deep within your heart and you were in need of my affection. I have chosen you, beloved. You were not assigned to me without choice. No, I should say not. Instead, I sought you out among many. I studied you in extravagant detail to learn how to win your heart. I pursued you diligently and without pause. I left all that belonged to me in order to inherit you.
Don’t you see, love? You’ve been worth it all along!
This love I have given you is real. You have seen false versions of this love. Many, many false versions of this love. Yet now you have known the real thing. The true thing.
You see, my love expels darkness.
My love demolished the idols in your life. When you said yes to me, you weren’t just saying yes to a “chance”. You were saying yes to a marriage, a covenant. I betrothed you, I asked you to start your life over with me, and you said yes. I have committed to take care of you, honor you, and protect you. I have promised to extend my strength to you and to make sure you are never in need of any good thing. Oh beloved, this is more than just invitation of faith, this is an ancient long pursuit of your heart. This is more than just learning about who I AM, this is about being in love with the I AM.
I would enjoy to tell you of something important. You often declare to me, “There is no one like You, Lord!” But I say this as true: There is no one like YOU, beloved! There is no one like you in all the earth and the way that I love you, no one else has seen before.
I love you wholly, intimately, and differently.
Rest in this today, dear one.
Rest in the simple fact that you are perfectly loved.
You have been made new.
Your Eternal Savior,
Amy Basel