A Letter from the Father - Free All Along
Born with a purpose intended, no disruption can hinder my plans. Beloved, until now, you never realized how enclosed you were. So many words spoken over you that were not of me. So many lies poured into your mind hoping to find it’s way to your heart. Don’t you see? The enemy has a desire to keep you within close diameters. He sees your wings. He sees the Spirit within you. He sees your limitless destinations. If only he could stop you…ah but beloved, he cannot.
I have unlocked the cage door that has kept you secluded from the world. Your current struggles have deceived you into believing that you are frozen within a set of standards. I am breaking open this prison of religious tendencies! I am not a set of rules to be followed, I am a God who is to be loved. And here in my love you shall find your freedom. Here in my love you are not held captive, but you are set free.
Come outside of yourself, beloved. My forgiveness has covered you entirely, but it was so hard for you to believe. The record of wrongs you have so diligently kept blew away with the wind of my Spirit the moment you let me in.
There is no fear in freedom and there is no freedom without my love. The only existing limitations are those you build among yourself. So tear down the strongholds with my words of authority and power.
Look and see. The door has been opened, you’ve been given a choice.
Those whom I set free are free indeed, and you, my cageless bird, have been free all along.
Amy Basel